2010 m. rugsėjo 30 d., ketvirtadienis

Aion CryEngine Error Fix

As everyone already knows Aion has issues with the Crysystem.DLL. I came up with a fix that has worked for 80%+ people, it was posted in the news section but i since decided to make my own thread so i could keep the links on one page instead of it being spread out over 16 pages.

After you have downloaded my DLL i modified save it to your desktop or somewhere you won't forget about. Browse to your Program Files/NcSoft/Aion/Bin32 in that folder will be the Crysystem.DLL take that and save it in a separate location then overwrite the DLL with mine.

This is more or less a workaround. Although this has fixed it for several people. A lot still crash. So, if it works for you great. If not worst that can happen is you still crash.Page 10 last post has a list of tweaks quite a few work pretty well.

Download Aion CryEngine Fix

In the Event that the DLL does not work PM me a List of Installed Programs on your computer along with your computer Specs from the Motherboard all the way to what memory you have installed and what OS you use. This only works on 64 Bit at the moment. If you really want to help that is the best way so i can figure out what all you have in common as to why it still crashes.

I am in the process of compiling a list of known programs that interfere with CrySystem.DLL. The more info i have the quicker i can come up with a more concrete solution for you.

If you have any questions just ask i'll be more then happy to help.

Last thing, if it still crashes don't go EMO on me <3

for those of you who think it's BS look here ---> http://www.aionsourc...ind-fix-16.html

I can care less if you try it or not. You want to Wait on NC Soft then wait but don't QQ about it in this thread.

For those of you on Vista m$ released a hotfix for the virtual memory issues. Some of you already prolly have this update installed but in the case you don't here is the link directly from M$.

Vista KB940105 x64

Vista KB940105 x32

Latest DirectX from M$.

DirectX End User Web Installer August 2009

If you are one of those people that has high HD activity you can disable application superfetch (which leaves readyboot, startup superfetch and all prefetching still on)

To do this, first run services.msc and make sure 'Superfetch' is enabled and set to automatic.

Then run regedit.exe and under:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]

Change Superfetch to the value 2 (which is boot only). By default it is set to 3 (boot and application). 1 is application only.

Ensure Prefetch is set to 3, since you want that for applications and boot.

The reason for disabling application superfetch is Windows will continually load and unload programs you use depending on memory usage. Typically when you use programs the memory use changes, so constant loading/unloading makes no sense.

The point is disabling Application superfetch, not full superfetch. It suits an environment where you are doing tasks that require different amounts of memory, something where superfetch fails. If all you ever do is load msn, firefox and word then superfetch is great. If you play games, edit photo's or video's, do video encoding, and other memory intensive and reasonably constant different memory allocations then APPLICATION superfetch is a bad thing. The result would be superfetch getting caught in load & unload cycles, which people noticed first with Vista (excessive hdd access). I just means a higher disk load since programs may be loaded and unloaded several times in a session even if you don't use them.

** Just accessing Internet, Email, Office programmes --> Application Superfetch Enabled

** Using your computer for multiple tasks, including photo/video editing, gaming (proper games, not minesweeper/solitaire), video encoding, other multiple tasks --> Disable application superfetch

Its not a necessity to disable application prefetch in the last scenario, but leaving it enabled is just pointless as you will get little benefit and significantly high disk access.

A few more tweaks:

Always Unload Dll


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\explorer]